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A Witches Natural History
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Anathema Maranatha
Aradia or The Gospel of the Witches
Besom, Stang, Sword
Between the Realms, Cornish Myth and Magic
Black Dog Folklore
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Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft
By Moonlight and Spirit Flight
Cecil Williamson's Book of Witchcraft
Cult of Golgotha
Dream Divination Plants
East Anglian Witches & Wizards
Elements of Magic
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Eye of the Sun, An Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Magic
From Granite to Sea, The Folklore of Bodmin Moor and East Cornwall
Green Witchcraft II
Green Witchcraft III
Green Witchcraft IV
Gypsy Sorcery & Fortune Telling
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Hereditary Witchcraft
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Icelandic Plant Magic
Idolatry Restor'd, Witchcraft & the Imagining of Power
In the Shadow of 13 Moons
Of Chalk & Flint
People of the Outside, Witchcraft, Cannibalism & the Elder Folk
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