Witching Responsibly

At Elfhame we believe it is our choices that have the biggest impact on the environment. Therefore, as a business we conduct ourselves in an ethical and responsible way, combining business with environmental sustainability. The information below outlines some (not all) of the things we do to achieve and maintain this stance of sustainability.

~Responsible Product Packaging~

Besides the lengthy process of researching, trial and testing that goes into our products, our products are packaged using recycled kraft paper, glass jars and 100% recycled ocean plastics. I know what your thinking… “recycled ocean plastics???”. We work with a New Zealand company who are working toward reducing the amount of plastics in our oceans. They extract huge amounts of plastics from our oceans and recycle them into usable non-single use items. We urge all out customers to re-use and recycle correctly.  

~Certified Organic, Ethically Sourced & Wild Harvested ~

Elfhame stocks a vast collection of herbs and resins that are used in many pagan traditions. We are proud to say that 95% of these are certified organic, ethically sourced, or wild harvested, with 100% of imported herbs and resins being irradiated-free! (free from radiation treatment) 
But what’s the big deal? stocking certified organic herbs and resins allows us to support clean farming, farming without the use of poisonous fertilisers or pesticides... leaving behind a cleaner and happier planet. While supporting certified growers, we also support and stock ethically sourced herbs and resins. These products prevent and eliminate deforestation having a positive impact for not only the plants and trees, but for our little critter friends.

~Sustainable Shipping~

At the beginning of 2020, our shipping process went through a big face lift. We now package all orders using bio-degradable mailing bags, cardboard boxes that are safe for recycling, wheat/corn void filler (bio-degradable and water soluble). Best of all our shipping company is 100% carbon neutral!    

~Our Earth, Our Community~

As we continue our efforts with environmental sustainability, we are also working to support communities around the world. During the research process of each product, we found ourselves sourcing items direct from farmers, growers, artists, and fellow witches. This was so we could ensure what we were wanting to sell was the best it could be. During this process, we have come to work with many inspirational people and organisations. Listed below are some of our amazing sourcing stories that not only provide us with magickal products to sell, but also support these amazing people…  


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