The Alchemy Bar

Alchemy Bar, Witchcraft supplies, witchcraft store, Melbourne witchcraft store
noun - Alchemy /ˈalkɪmi/ 
Alchemy is defined as the process of taking something ordinary and turning it into something magickal.



After almost two years of planning, Elfhame is happy to announce the official launch of our Alchemy Bar. The Alchemy Bar is a place within Elfhame where the elements of magick intersect with those of the mundane. A place where, with the aid of the Elfhame Witches, you can craft and personally blend a range of magickal products to help aid and empower your rituals. Whether it be a ritual oil, powdered incense or even a floor wash… we will help you blend the perfect product for your magickal need. For all enquiries please contact us for more information.     


(Available in-store only)


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